The Team

Met and grown into the world of public institutions and gender equality bodies, playing different roles ( public and institutional communication, planning, training), the founder of BETA are commendable professionals in the fields where BETA acts, particularly in the the field of gender policies and the design of training and awareness-raising programmes on gender equality issues.

Giuliana Esposito

President / Public Affairs

Degree in Business Communication at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" . Master in "Human Resource Management". Consultant in the Office of Councillor for Equality of the Province of Rome since 2007. She has experience in training, recruitment, communication, and organizational consulting in Public Administration, working regularly with various organizations including the Province of Rome, the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, Enapra - training Institution of Confagricultura, the City of Naples and Tower of Greek, University la Sapienza and Roma Tre. President of Beta, she is responsible for institutional relations


Caterina Fatolico

Project Area

Degree in Philosophy at the University of Florence, master's degree in "Experts, equal opportunity and gender policy trainer”. She has experience in training , planning and organization of events and has cultivated a strong interest in ecology and the environment, making it an integral part of her own way of life and thought. Since 2012 she is a consultant of the Office of the Director of Equality of the Province of Rome. Founding member of Beta, she is in charge of the projects.


Nancy Valente

Area Communication

Degree in Business Communication - Chair of Promotion and Human Resource Management at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". She has worked with numerous public and private entities as communication officer and she also gained experience in the field of education. She is currently responsible for the press office, working as copywriter within various structures, as well as trainer of the " Equal opportunities go to school " project with the Office of the Director of Equality of the Province of Rome. Co-founder of the Cooperative Kairos for the management and promotion of cultural heritage. She is engaged in voluntary service and in the social sector. Founding member of Beta, she is in charge of communication area..


Rossella Di Benedetto

Site Manager

Degree in Political Science, political and social curriculm. She received her PhD in Philosophy of Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Naples Federico II with a thesis on the legal theories feminist, from emancipation to deconstruction”. She is currently the coordinator of the "Action Basilicata " project for the promotion of the audiovisual in the Basilicata region with the cultural association "CinemadaMare ." Founding member of Beta, she is responsible for the administrative area.